Heuristic Evaluation for Craigslist Mobile App

Project overview

Project Goal

1. Heuristic evaluations of the craigslist's app with respect to the company’s principles.

2. Our goal is not to simply make visual changes but to look for heuristic principle violations which is an indicator for usability problems, and suggest ways to redesign them for improved user experience

Brand Introduction

Heuristic evaluations is one method to identify usability problems in user interface. We’ve used Nielson Norman Group’s ‘Jakob’s Ten Usability Heurististics’ in this project.

Usability Heuristics

  • First launched in 1995 by Craig Newmark as an email list service
  • Now became an online marketplace platform that connects people for exchange or sales of goods and services
  • 500 million people visit every month
  • "easy to use"
  • Target: Low income, non-tech savvy people

Design controversy

  • "A site that eschews modern design in favor of a mostly text-based layout"
  • "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Mobile App

Design controversy

  • First launched in 2019
  • "Slick interface and is fast, flexible and easy to use
  • Modern and user friendly (than the website)

Task Selection

Find a gray couch within a price range of $130-$160 to purchase

Usability Heuristic Evaluation

Usability issues are identified and evaluated using severity rating scale.

10 Usability heuristics

  • Visibility of system status
  • Match between system and the real world
  • User control and freedom
  • Consistency and standards
  • Error preventionm
  • Recognition rather than recall
  • Flexibility and efficiency of use
  • Aesthetic and minimalis design
  • Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
  • Help and documentation

Severity rating scale

  • 0 = No usability problem
  • 1 = Cosmetic problem only
  • 2 = Minor usability problem
  • 3 = Major usability problem
  • 4 = Usability catastrophe


When user taps on “for sale” category in the provided menu, it expands to display more categories. While information is added to the screen, the colour contrast is minimal and the other  information remains on the screen without any change and makes it difficult to focus our attention.


8. Aesthestics and minimalist design

Severity rating scale


Highlight expanded items through higher contrast and remove focus from items not relevant to search


When user taps the trash can icon, the post immediately disappears. Users often perform actions by mistake. They need a clearly marked "emergency exit" to leave the unwanted action without having to go through an extended process. Once tapped there is no clear way to undo the action or to bring it back.


3. User control and freedom

Severity rating scale


A notification to undo the action shows at top of screen for a period of time,. This will allow user to undo action of deleting a post.


There is no check for error-prone conditions when user taps the trash can icon. The user is not presented with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.


5. Error prevention

Severity rating scale


Include prompt which alerts user of the action they are about to take. With an alert, users can understand that the post is being sent to "Hidden" and also understand that the post will be removed from their search if they confirm the action.


When user scrolls on product page the title and price is no longer visible to the user. Information required for purchasing or understanding this item should be visible or easily retrievable when needed.


6. Recognition rather than recall

Severity rating scale


A sticky nav with the page title and price can help users recall what they are looking at the further they scroll the page.


To access "Hidden" user must go to "Favourites" to see items that were removed via the trash icon. This activity is hidden from novice users and prevent users to tailor frequent actions. Also it is unlikely users will think trashed items will be under Favourites.


7. Flexibility and efficiency of use

Severity rating scale


Hidden page should be with the Saved Search since the items "hidden" falls in line with the searched items. Another recommendation can be that a separate screen just for deleted/hidden items can be created and available from the homescreen.


Craiglist does not provide documentation to help users understand how to complete their tasks. Users are left on their own to find solutions for transactions and for maneuvering the app.


10. Help and documentation

Severity rating scale


Create FAQ page that gives overall guidance on user expectations and guidance for flow on app.

Design Prioritization Matrix

Using the severity scale, each problem ㅑㄴ evaluated by their priority and the amount of effort it would take to fix and put into a design prioritization matrix.


Executive Summary

An investigation on the Craiglist mobile app to evaluate usability revealed areas that hinder a user’s experience when searching for a grey couch. An online marketplace platform, Craiglist connects people for exchange or sales of goods and services. Simple in definition, but the app has an expansive catalogue  and the interface competes with the relevant units of information and diminishes their relative visibility. This need was seen from the main dashboard with the evaluator: Aesthetics and Minimalist Design. Along with that we also applied evaluators: User Control and Freedom and Error Prevention for individual item pages, Recognition Rather than Recall as it applies to scrolling on an item’s page, Flexibility and Efficiency of Use for the “hidden/trash” page and Help and Documentation evaluator for the feedback option/lack of access to help.

To improve the user’s experience, we recommend changes made to the items’ pages taking precedence. This is the core of the app. The trash icon is in a vulnerable position and there is no communication on where it is going and what exactly it is removing as is applies to an item page from the search results. As it can be deleted/hidden in error or a user may want to recover the item, an alert and an undo feature is a priority. We also recommend, with less priority, a sticky nav for the item pages and changing where the “Hidden” page is located, its name and more communication on how to access it to recover the trashed items.

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